- DataArray.str.format(*args, **kwargs)[source]#
Perform python string formatting on each element of the DataArray.
This is equivalent to calling str.format on every element of the DataArray. The replacement values can either be a string-like scalar or array-like of string-like values. If array-like, the values will be broadcast and applied elementwiseto the input DataArray.
Array-like values provided as *args will have their dimensions added even if those arguments are not used in any string formatting.
Array-like arguments are only applied elementwise for *args. For **kwargs, values are used as-is.
- Parameters:
*args (
or array-like ofstr
) – Values for positional formatting. If array-like, the values are broadcast and applied elementwise. The dimensions will be placed at the end of the output array dimensions in the order they are provided.**kwargs (
or array-like ofstr
) – Values for keyword-based formatting. These are not broadcast or applied elementwise.
- Returns:
formatted (
same type as values
Create an array to format.
>>> values = xr.DataArray( ... ["{} is {adj0}", "{} and {} are {adj1}"], ... dims=["X"], ... )
Set the values to fill.
>>> noun0 = xr.DataArray( ... ["spam", "egg"], ... dims=["Y"], ... ) >>> noun1 = xr.DataArray( ... ["lancelot", "arthur"], ... dims=["ZZ"], ... ) >>> adj0 = "unexpected" >>> adj1 = "like a duck"
Insert the values into the array
>>> values.str.format(noun0, noun1, adj0=adj0, adj1=adj1) <xarray.DataArray (X: 2, Y: 2, ZZ: 2)> array([[['spam is unexpected', 'spam is unexpected'], ['egg is unexpected', 'egg is unexpected']], [['spam and lancelot are like a duck', 'spam and arthur are like a duck'], ['egg and lancelot are like a duck', 'egg and arthur are like a duck']]], dtype='<U33') Dimensions without coordinates: X, Y, ZZ
See also