Xarray related projects#
Below is a list of existing open source projects that build functionality upon xarray. See also section xarray Internals for more details on how to build xarray extensions. We also maintain the xarray-contrib GitHub organization as a place to curate projects that build upon xarray.
aospy: Automated analysis and management of gridded climate data.
argopy: xarray-based Argo data access, manipulation and visualisation for standard users as well as Argo experts.
climpred: Analysis of ensemble forecast models for climate prediction.
geocube: Tool to convert geopandas vector data into rasterized xarray data.
GeoWombat: Utilities for analysis of remotely sensed and gridded raster data at scale (easily tame Landsat, Sentinel, Quickbird, and PlanetScope).
gsw-xarray: a wrapper around gsw that adds CF compliant attributes when possible, units, name.
infinite-diff: xarray-based finite-differencing, focused on gridded climate/meteorology data
marc_analysis: Analysis package for CESM/MARC experiments and output.
MetPy: A collection of tools in Python for reading, visualizing, and performing calculations with weather data.
MPAS-Analysis: Analysis for simulations produced with Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) components and the Accelerated Climate Model for Energy (ACME).
OGGM: Open Global Glacier Model
Oocgcm: Analysis of large gridded geophysical datasets
Open Data Cube: Analysis toolkit of continental scale Earth Observation data from satellites.
Pangaea:: xarray extension for gridded land surface & weather model output).
Pangeo: A community effort for big data geoscience in the cloud.
PyGDX: Python 3 package for accessing data stored in GAMS Data eXchange (GDX) files. Also uses a custom subclass.
pyinterp: Python 3 package for interpolating geo-referenced data used in the field of geosciences.
pyXpcm: xarray-based Profile Classification Modelling (PCM), mostly for ocean data.
Regionmask: plotting and creation of masks of spatial regions
rioxarray: geospatial xarray extension powered by rasterio
salem: Adds geolocalised subsetting, masking, and plotting operations to xarray’s data structures via accessors.
SatPy : Library for reading and manipulating meteorological remote sensing data and writing it to various image and data file formats.
Spyfit: FTIR spectroscopy of the atmosphere
windspharm: Spherical harmonic wind analysis in Python.
wradlib: An Open Source Library for Weather Radar Data Processing.
wrf-python: A collection of diagnostic and interpolation routines for use with output of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF-ARW) Model.
xarray-simlab: xarray extension for computer model simulations.
xarray-spatial: Numba-accelerated raster-based spatial processing tools (NDVI, curvature, zonal-statistics, proximity, hillshading, viewshed, etc.)
xarray-topo: xarray extension for topographic analysis and modelling.
xbpch: xarray interface for bpch files.
xCDAT: An extension of xarray for climate data analysis on structured grids.
xclim: A library for calculating climate science indices with unit handling built from xarray and dask.
xESMF: Universal regridder for geospatial data.
xgcm: Extends the xarray data model to understand finite volume grid cells (common in General Circulation Models) and provides interpolation and difference operations for such grids.
xmitgcm: a python package for reading MITgcm binary MDS files into xarray data structures.
xnemogcm: a package to read NEMO output files and add attributes to interface with xgcm.
Machine Learning#
ArviZ: Exploratory analysis of Bayesian models, built on top of xarray.
Darts: User-friendly modern machine learning for time series in Python.
Elm: Parallel machine learning on xarray data structures
sklearn-xarray (1): Combines scikit-learn and xarray (1).
sklearn-xarray (2): Combines scikit-learn and xarray (2).
xbatcher: Batch Generation from Xarray Datasets.
Other domains#
Extend xarray capabilities#
Collocate: Collocate xarray trajectories in arbitrary physical dimensions
eofs: EOF analysis in Python.
hypothesis-gufunc: Extension to hypothesis. Makes it easy to write unit tests with xarray objects as input.
nxarray: NeXus input/output capability for xarray.
xarray-compare: xarray extension for data comparison.
xarray-dataclasses: xarray extension for typed DataArray and Dataset creation.
xarray_einstats: Statistics, linear algebra and einops for xarray
xarray_extras: Advanced algorithms for xarray objects (e.g. integrations/interpolations).
xpublish: Publish Xarray Datasets via a Zarr compatible REST API.
xrft: Fourier transforms for xarray data.
xr-scipy: A lightweight scipy wrapper for xarray.
X-regression: Multiple linear regression from Statsmodels library coupled with Xarray library.
xskillscore: Metrics for verifying forecasts.
xyzpy: Easily generate high dimensional data, including parallelization.
datashader, geoviews, holoviews, : visualization packages for large data.
hvplot : A high-level plotting API for the PyData ecosystem built on HoloViews.
psyplot: Interactive data visualization with python.
xarray-leaflet: An xarray extension for tiled map plotting based on ipyleaflet.
xtrude: An xarray extension for 3D terrain visualization based on pydeck.
pyvista-xarray: xarray DataArray accessor for 3D visualization with PyVista and DataSet engines for reading VTK data formats.
Non-Python projects#
xframe: C++ data structures inspired by xarray.
AxisArrays and NamedArrays: similar data structures for Julia.
More projects can be found at the “xarray” Github topic.