
xarray.auto_combine(datasets, concat_dim='_not_supplied', compat='no_conflicts', data_vars='all', coords='different', fill_value=<NA>)

Attempt to auto-magically combine the given datasets into one.

This entire function is deprecated in favour of combine_nested and combine_by_coords.

This method attempts to combine a list of datasets into a single entity by inspecting metadata and using a combination of concat and merge. It does not concatenate along more than one dimension or sort data under any circumstances. It does align coordinates, but different variables on datasets can cause it to fail under some scenarios. In complex cases, you may need to clean up your data and use concat/merge explicitly. auto_combine works well if you have N years of data and M data variables, and each combination of a distinct time period and set of data variables is saved its own dataset.

datasetssequence of xarray.Dataset

Dataset objects to merge.

concat_dimstr or DataArray or Index, optional

Dimension along which to concatenate variables, as used by xarray.concat(). You only need to provide this argument if the dimension along which you want to concatenate is not a dimension in the original datasets, e.g., if you want to stack a collection of 2D arrays along a third dimension. By default, xarray attempts to infer this argument by examining component files. Set concat_dim=None explicitly to disable concatenation.

compat{‘identical’, ‘equals’, ‘broadcast_equals’,

‘no_conflicts’}, optional

String indicating how to compare variables of the same name for potential conflicts: - ‘broadcast_equals’: all values must be equal when variables are

broadcast against each other to ensure common dimensions.

  • ‘equals’: all values and dimensions must be the same.

  • ‘identical’: all values, dimensions and attributes must be the same.

  • ‘no_conflicts’: only values which are not null in both datasets must be equal. The returned dataset then contains the combination of all non-null values.

data_vars{‘minimal’, ‘different’, ‘all’ or list of str}, optional

Details are in the documentation of concat

coords{‘minimal’, ‘different’, ‘all’ o list of str}, optional

Details are in the documentation of concat

fill_valuescalar, optional

Value to use for newly missing values


See also

concat, Dataset.merge