- Variable.isel(indexers=None, missing_dims='raise', **indexers_kwargs)[source]#
Return a new array indexed along the specified dimension(s).
- Parameters:
**indexers (
{dim: indexer, ...}
) – Keyword arguments with names matching dimensions and values given by integers, slice objects or arrays.missing_dims (
{"raise", "warn", "ignore"}
, default:"raise"
) – What to do if dimensions that should be selected from are not present in the DataArray: - “raise”: raise an exception - “warn”: raise a warning, and ignore the missing dimensions - “ignore”: ignore the missing dimensions
- Returns:
obj (
Array object
) – A new Array with the selected data and dimensions. In general, the new variable’s data will be a view of this variable’s data, unless numpy fancy indexing was triggered by using an array indexer, in which case the data will be a copy.