
class xarray.core.rolling.DatasetRolling(obj, min_periods=None, center=False, **windows)
__init__(obj, min_periods=None, center=False, **windows)

Moving window object for Dataset. You should use Dataset.rolling() method to construct this object instead of the class constructor.


obj : Dataset

Object to window.

min_periods : int, default None

Minimum number of observations in window required to have a value (otherwise result is NA). The default, None, is equivalent to setting min_periods equal to the size of the window.

center : boolean, default False

Set the labels at the center of the window.

**windows : dim=window

dim : str

Name of the dimension to create the rolling iterator along (e.g., time).

window : int

Size of the moving window.


rolling : type of input argument

See also

Dataset.rolling, DataArray.rolling, Dataset.groupby, DataArray.groupby


__init__(obj[, min_periods, center]) Moving window object for Dataset.
argmax(**kwargs) Reduce this Dataset’s data windows by applying argmax along its dimension.
argmin(**kwargs) Reduce this Dataset’s data windows by applying argmin along its dimension.
construct(window_dim[, stride, fill_value]) Convert this rolling object to xr.
count() Reduce this Dataset’s data windows by applying count along its dimension.
max(**kwargs) Reduce this Dataset’s data windows by applying max along its dimension.
mean(**kwargs) Reduce this Dataset’s data windows by applying mean along its dimension.
median(**kwargs) Reduce this Dataset’s data windows by applying median along its dimension.
min(**kwargs) Reduce this Dataset’s data windows by applying min along its dimension.
prod(**kwargs) Reduce this Dataset’s data windows by applying prod along its dimension.
reduce(func, **kwargs) Reduce the items in this group by applying func along some dimension(s).
std(**kwargs) Reduce this Dataset’s data windows by applying std along its dimension.
sum(**kwargs) Reduce this Dataset’s data windows by applying sum along its dimension.
var(**kwargs) Reduce this Dataset’s data windows by applying var along its dimension.